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Get TrialGuard™ - for the ultimate peace of mind

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No IRB/EC submissions required for TrialWire
We use publicly available eligibility and exclusion criteria to find the right people for your study so no confidential information is ever needed.
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    With TrialGuard™, you can de-risk your clinical study, avoid recruitment delays, and focus on delivering results. All with an annual AI & algorithm machine learning fee of just $1,200. Let TrialGuard™ protect your trial from enrollment risks. TrialGuard™ ensures you get patient referrals in under 24 hours at any stage of your study – no waiting. Save up to $5,000 when you activate your recruitment campaign, with no additional setup fees. As a TrialGuard™ member, you’re a priority client, ensuring your study faces no competition from overlapping studies on the Platform.